南京大学学报(自然科学), 2022, 58(4): 720-729 doi: 10.13232/j.cnki.jnju.2022.04.017


李小铭, 王向东,


Permian corals in the Baoshan and Tengchong blocks of western Yunnan and their paleogeographical implications

Li Xiaoming, Wang Xiangdong,

School of the Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210023, China

通讯作者: E⁃mail:xdwang@nju.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2021-12-09  

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金.  91955201

Received: 2021-12-09  



关键词: 四射珊瑚 ; 二叠纪 ; 基默里大陆 ; 古生物地理


The Cimmerian Continent is composed of several allochthonous blocks,including the Shan⁃Thai,Tengchong,Baoshan,Lhasa,southern Qiangtang,southern Afghanistan,and southern Iran blocks. It was located between the Gondwanan and Eurasian continents during the Permian Period. The Baoshan and Tengchong blocks,as ones of the important parts of the Cimmerian Continent,splitted from the northern margin of Gondwana in the Early Permian,then drifted northward during the Middle Permian⁃Late Permian. This special latitudinal shift resulted in the occurrence of the cold shallow⁃water Cyathaxonia assemblage,and warm shallow⁃water large solitary and compound rugose corals in the Lower and Middle Permian respectively from these two blocks. The Middle Permian yields Iranophyllum sp.,Pavastehphyllum sp.,Thomasiphyllum cf. spongifolium,Wentzelloides sp.,Naoticophyllum sp.,Wentzellophyllum persicum,in the Baoshan Block,and Lonsdaleiastraea sp. A,Lonsdaleiastraea sp. B,Wentzelellites sp.,Thomasiphyllum tengchongense,Waagenophyllum kueichowense in the Tengchong Block. Only a same genus Thomasiphyllum developed in the Middle Permian of these two blocks,which is also widely developed in the Middle Permian of the Cimmerian Continent. Only few co⁃occurrence of coral taxa between the Baoshan and Tengchong blocks may indicate that the two blocks are not close during the Middle Permian. Compared with the high diversity of rugose corals in the low⁃latitude South China Block during the Middle Permian,much lower diversity of rugose corals occurred in the Baoshan and Tengchong blocks,which implies that these two blocks could have not reached at warm,low latitude during this time.

Keywords: rugose coral ; Permian ; the Cimmerian Continent ; paleobiogeography

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李小铭, 王向东. 滇西保山和腾冲地区二叠纪珊瑚及其古地理意义. 南京大学学报(自然科学)[J], 2022, 58(4): 720-729 doi:10.13232/j.cnki.jnju.2022.04.017

Li Xiaoming, Wang Xiangdong. Permian corals in the Baoshan and Tengchong blocks of western Yunnan and their paleogeographical implications. Journal of nanjing University[J], 2022, 58(4): 720-729 doi:10.13232/j.cnki.jnju.2022.04.017

云南西部的保山和腾冲地块在晚古生代属于基默里大陆(the Cimmerian Continent)的一部分,其二叠系由一套特殊的沉积序列组成.最底部的保山的丁家寨组和腾冲的空树河组产出具有指示冷水型及典型的冈瓦纳型的生物群1-3,底部还发育冈瓦纳冰川成因的冰海相沉积物3-6,指示保山和腾冲地块在早二叠世地处冈瓦纳大陆北缘或在其附近7-10.保山和腾冲中二叠统⁃上二叠统中产出指示温水型的特提斯和基默里型的混生䗴类动物群11-15,华夏型和冈瓦纳周缘型混生腕足类动物群16,包含基默里大陆特有的珊瑚Thomasiphyllum,䗴类Eopolydiexodina和非䗴类有孔虫ShanitaHemigordiopsis动物群17,它们的产出可指示保山和腾冲地块是基默里大陆的重要组成部分18-19.



1 地层概况

1.1 保山地块的二叠系



图1   A:保山和腾冲地块地理及剖面位置图(据文献[9]);B:基默里大陆及研究区域位置图(据文献[18])

Fig.1   A: Location of the studied sections in the Baoshan and Tengchong blocks (after ref. [9]), B: location of the Cimmerian Continent and the studied area (after ref. [18])

丁家寨组在代表剖面施甸东山坡上厚约120 m,主要由砂岩、粉砂岩和页岩组成,顶部夹数层生物碎屑灰岩,为海进沉积层序26.丁家寨组底部到顶部所产的腕足类指示地层年代可能为阿瑟尔阶⁃亚丁斯克阶1,与下伏的维宪阶云瑞街组之间为平行不整合或轻微的角度不整合接触,缺失上石炭统18.上石炭统的海相沉积缺失也可见于腾冲、缅甸掸邦、拉萨、南羌塘、阿富汗南部和伊朗南部等基默里地块中,也是澳大利亚、印度和巴基斯坦等地区晚古生代的主要特征,这个长时间的地层缺失很可能与澳大利亚中部和北部、印度和南美的纳缪尔期隆升作用有关27,或与石炭纪冈瓦纳冰川扩张有关,同时也可以成为指示基默里大陆曾位于冈瓦纳大陆北缘的重要证据之一18.丁家寨组下部为硅质碎屑岩,含分选性差的角砾,它很可能代表冰川成因的杂砾岩,但在南部区丁家寨组底部却少有发育4-5.丁家寨组产出的生物为典型的冷水型和冈瓦纳型32628-29.冰川成因的杂砾岩和亲冈瓦纳型生物的发现是确定保山地块在早二叠世位于冈瓦纳大陆北缘的重要证据430-31.

卧牛寺组不整合于丁家寨组之上,命名剖面厚约700 m,由厚层玄武质熔岩夹凝灰岩组成,时代为亚丁斯克阶.卧牛寺组玄武岩被认为是大陆裂谷型的拉斑玄武岩,它的喷发标志着保山地块从冈瓦纳大陆分离的开端632.在卧牛寺组之上沉积了一组杂色硅质碎屑岩,代表着继卧牛寺组玄武岩喷发之后重新接受沉积的开端,而杂色硅质碎屑岩与卧牛寺组玄武岩之间可能存在短期的沉积间断914.这组杂色硅质碎屑岩在保山北部区被命名为丙麻组,厚度小于20 m,下部为硅质碎屑砾岩夹几层薄层熔岩,上部为粉砂岩和泥岩,未见化石7-818.

覆在丙麻组之上的为大凹子组,下部为块状到厚层状泥质灰岩和生物碎屑颗粒岩,顶部为白云质灰岩和白云岩,在卧牛寺剖面上厚度大于100 m,且与下伏的丙麻组碎屑岩似为整合接触18.珊瑚、腕足类和䗴类主要产自于该组的下部,其中䗴类均为沃德期⁃卡匹顿期的䗴类11-15.


沙子坡组下部为泥质灰岩,上部为白云质灰岩及白云岩,为南部区二叠系最顶部的地层,厚超600 m,底部边界不清7,化石主要产自于沙子坡组的下部.

1.2 腾冲地块的二叠系

腾冲地块位于保山地块的西边,东边以怒江⁃龙陵⁃潞西断裂为界(图1),而西边边界情况不明,很可能为缅甸八莫(Bahomo)到密支那(Myitkyina)一线34.二叠系位于腾冲地块的中部,为从南到北的一条狭长条带,下部为硅质碎屑岩,上部为碳酸盐岩.其中下部的硅质碎屑岩在1962年被方仲景命名为勐洪群(未发表),命名地点位于腾冲市西南20 km的勐洪村4.


腾冲北部区自治组由厚约600~700 m的砂岩组成,由金小赤命名4,命名地点位于腾冲市自治乡东边5~7 km的自治剖面,自治组下部未见底,未发现相关的化石报道,其下部可能延伸到格舍尔阶18.在自治组之下存在未被命名的下石炭统地层,时代可能为杜内期⁃维宪期,与保山地区一样,存在大段的上石炭统的地层缺失.

空树河组总厚约800 m,下部为冰碛砾岩,中部为含砾泥岩,上部为泥岩和粉砂岩夹灰岩透镜体.空树河组上部尤其是最顶部的100 m地层中产丰富的苔藓虫、腕足类和海百合茎,腕足类Notospirifer transversaElivina yunnanensis动物群为冷水型和亲冈瓦纳型生物群,年代为萨克马尔⁃早亚丁斯克期9.空树河组下部的冰碛砾岩可与保山地区丁家寨组底部的冰碛砾岩进行对比3,包括亲冈瓦纳型生物群的出现,成为了支持腾冲地块位于冈瓦纳北缘的重要证据.因自治组缺失化石记录,推测自治组与空树河组共同组成的勐洪群的年代可能为格舍尔期晚期⁃亚丁斯克期819.

大东厂组位于空树河组之上,厚约500 m,主要为灰岩和白云岩灰岩,向上白云岩逐渐变多,灰岩中含生物化石.在大东厂组的下部和中部分别发现有晚萨克马尔期⁃亚丁斯克期的䗴类EoparafusulinaPseudofusulina,沃德期⁃卡匹敦期的䗴类ChusenellaMonodiexodinaYangchienia,Parafusulina35-36.在下部产小型单体无鳞板珊瑚LophophyllidiumVerbeekiella8,在中部产丛状复体珊瑚Waagenophyllum kueichowense,指示地层年代为中二叠统上部到上二叠统吴家坪阶.因此,大东厂组地层时代很可能为是晚萨克马尔期⁃吴家坪期18.

2 保山和腾冲地区二叠纪四射珊瑚


采于丁家寨组顶部灰岩中的珊瑚,经鉴定包含Lophophyllidium sp.,Naoticophyllum sp.,Zaphrentites sp.,Cyathaxonia sp.等,它们可与Wang et al37曾报道的丁家寨组的小型单体珊瑚Zaphrentites shidianenseClaviphyllum baoshanenseCyathaxonia sp.等(图2)归入小型无鳞板的单体珊瑚Cyathaxonia动物群中.Cyathaxonia动物群最早由Hill38-39提出,经常伴随2~3种横板珊瑚的产出,出现在黑色钙质页岩、薄层泥质灰岩或富含海百合的灰岩中,它代表一种受基质、水深和温度等各种环境因素控制的特殊生物群37.丁家寨组Cyathaxonia动物群可与出现在掸泰马地块下二叠统的小型单体珊瑚Paracaninia sinensisVerbeekiella sp.,Lophophyllidium siamenseUfimia khaokaeonoiEuryphyllum khaokaeoyaiEuryphyllum kanchanaburi等进行对比113240,并可与澳大利亚悉尼盆地南部二叠系小型单体珊瑚进行对比,这些小型单体珊瑚均可能产自于沉积环境为冰水或冷水的地层中37.


图2   (1) Zaphrentites sp.,保山三坝子剖面,丁家寨组:(1a)横切面,(1b)纵切面;(2) Cyathaxonia sp.,施甸县由旺镇东山坡剖面,丁家寨组:(2a)横切面,(2b)纵切面;(3) Ufimia sp.,耿马县河外小新寨剖面,永德组,横切面;(4) Pavastehphyllum sp.,永德县明朗坝尾剖面,沙子坡组,横切面;(5) Lophophyllidium sp.,镇康凤尾坝好子寨剖面,丁家寨组,横切面;(6) Iranophyllum sp.,永德县明朗坝尾剖面,沙子坡组,横切面;(7) Naoticophyllum sp.,永德县明朗坝尾剖面,沙子坡组,横切面;(8) Thomasiphyllum cf. spongifolium,耿马县河外小新寨剖面,永德组,横切面

Fig.2   (1) Zaphrentites sp. from the Dingjiazhai Formation in the Sanbazi section,Baoshan City,(1a) transverse section,(1b) longitudinal section,(2) Cyathaxonia sp. from the Dingjiazhai Formation in the Dongshanbo section,Youwang,Shidian County,(2a) transverse section,(2b) longitudinal section,(3) Ufimia sp. from the Yongde Formation in the Xiaoxinzhai Section,Gengma County,transverse section,(4) Pavastehphyllum sp. from the Shazipo Formation in the Bawei Section,Minglang,Yongde County,transverse section,(5) Lophophyllidium sp. from the Dingjiazhai Formation in the Haozizhai Section,Fengweiba,Zhankang County,transverse section,(6) Iranophyllum sp. from the Shazipo Formation in the Bawei Section,Minglang,Yongde County,transverse section,(7) Naoticophyllum sp. from the Shazipo Formation in the Bawei Section,Minglang,Yongde County,transverse section,(8) Thomasiphyllum cf. spongifolium from the Yongde Formation in the Xiaoxinzhai Section,Gengma County,transverse section

在大凹子组下部采集到的珊瑚,包含单体珊瑚Pavastehphyllum sp.,Thomasiphyllum cf. spongifolium,复体珊瑚Wentzellophyllum persicum及横板珊瑚Sinopora asiatia.采集于小新寨剖面永德组上部灰岩中的珊瑚包含复体珊瑚Wentzelloides sp.,Wentzellophyllum persicum,单体珊瑚Thomasiphyllum cf. spongifoliumUfimia sp.及横板珊瑚Sinopora asiatia等.采集于保山南部永德组上部和沙子坡组下部的珊瑚包含单体珊瑚Iranophyllum sp.,Pavastehphyllum sp.,Thomasiphyllum cf. spongifolium,复体珊瑚Naoticophyllum sp.图2图4),其中Thomasiphyllum常见于基默里大陆中二叠统地层中7,如印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛西部41-42、泰国半岛43-44、缅甸掸邦45、西藏中部46-47及南部伊朗48-49等地.


图3   保山和腾冲地块二叠纪珊瑚及其主要产出层位

Fig.3   The Permian corals in the Baoshan and Tengchong blocks and their main coral⁃bearing levels


图4   (1) Lonsdaleiastrae sp. A,腾冲大硐厂观音山剖面,大东厂组:(1a)横切面,(1b)纵切面;(2) Waagenophyllumkueichowense,腾冲大硐厂观音山剖面,大东厂组,横切面;(3) Lonsdaleiastrae sp. B,腾冲大硐厂观音山剖面,大东厂组,横切面;(4) Wentzelloides sp.,耿马县河外小新寨剖面,永德组:(4a)横切面,(4b)纵切面;(5) Wentzellophyllum persicum,耿马县河外小新寨剖面,永德组:(5a)横切面,(5b)纵切面;(6) Wentzelellites sp.,腾冲大硐厂观音山剖面,大东厂组,横切面

Fig.4   (1) Lonsdaleiastrae sp. A from the Dadongchang Formation in the Guanyinshan Section,Dadongchang,Tengchong City: (1a) transverse section,(1b) longitudinal section,(2) Waagenophyllum kueichowense from the Dadongchang Formation in the Guanyinshan section,Dadongchang,Tengchong City,transverse section,(3) Lonsdaleiastrae sp. B from the Dadongchang Formation in the Guanyinshan section in Dadongchang,Tengchong City,transverse section,(4) Wentzelloides sp. from the Yongde Formation in the Xiaoxinzhai section,Gengma County: (4a) transverse section,(4b) longitudinal section,(5) Wentzellophyllum persicum from the Yongde Formation in the Xiaoxinzhai section,Gengma County:(5a) transverse section,(5b) longitudinal section,(6) Wentzelellites sp. from the Dadongchang Formation in the Guanyinshan section,Dadongchang,Tengchong City,transverse section

采集于腾冲地块的大硐厂观音山剖面的大东厂组灰岩中的珊瑚,经鉴定包含复体珊瑚Lonsdaleiastraea sp. A,Lonsdaleiastraea sp. B,Wentzelellites sp.,Waagenophyllum kueichowense,单体珊瑚Thomasiphyllumtengchongense及横板珊瑚Sinopora xainzaensis.Waagenophyllum kueichowense常产自于中二叠统的上部到上二叠统底部8,可指示大东厂组可能含中二叠世晚期到吴家坪期的地层(珊瑚产出层位见图3).

3 古地理意义的讨论和结论



保山地块发育的复体珊瑚及单体珊瑚为Iranophyllum sp.,Pavastehphyllum sp.,Thomasiphyllum cf. spongifoliumWentzelloides sp.,Naoticophyllum sp.Wentzellophyllum persicum等(见图3),而腾冲地块则产出Lonsdaleiastraea sp. A,Lonsdaleiastraea sp. B,Wentzelellites sp,Thomasiphyllum tengchongenseWaagenophyllum kueichowense等,两个地块之间共有属较少,仅有Thomasiphyllum,且共有属之间已经发生有因区域隔离产生种级的分化现象,潜在的种级分化及较少的共有属可能指示在中二叠世时期,保山和腾冲地块之间的珊瑚交流甚少,两个地块并不相邻,之间间隔一定的距离.另外,保山地块和腾冲地块相对于华南地区,其同时期的珊瑚生物多样性低得多,华南板块罗德期⁃沃德期含四射珊瑚40属,132种,卡匹顿期含四射珊瑚31属,105种51.比较华南板块在中二叠世位于温暖的低纬度特提斯区,保山和腾冲地块较低的珊瑚生物多样性可能反映了此两个地块此时可能并未到达温暖的低纬度地区.


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