Nb5N6 microbolometer太赫兹检测器

涂学凑,毛庆凯,徐 磊,孙振龙,康 琳*,金飚兵,陈 健,吴培亨

南京大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (3) : 269.

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南京大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (3) : 269.

Nb5N6 microbolometer太赫兹检测器

  • 涂学凑,毛庆凯,徐 磊,孙振龙,康 琳*,金飚兵,陈 健,吴培亨
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Nb5N6 microbolometer for THz detection

  •  Tu Xuecou, Mao Qingkai, Xu Lei, Sun Zhenlong, Kang Lin, Jin Biaobing, Chen Jian, Wu Peiheng
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 随着太赫兹科学技术的快速发展,太赫兹检测器件的性能也在不断提高,为微弱信号的检测和太赫兹成像奠定了坚实的基础。本文针对Nb5N6薄膜材料,研制了Nb5N6 microbolometer阵列芯片及其基于这种芯片的太赫兹准光型接收机。单个Nb5N6 microbolometer的直流电压响应最高达-760 V/W,对应的直流噪声等效功率(NEP)为 1.3×10-11 W/√Hz。在实际系统中,由串联结构的Nb5N6 microbolometer构成的准光接收机,光学电压响应率高达428 V/W, 对应的光学噪声等效功率(NEP)为2.3×10-11 W/√Hz。Nb5N6 microbolometer太赫兹检测器室温工作、工艺简单、检测灵敏度高,响应时间快,便于集成超大规模阵列,为太赫兹信号检测提供了一种有效的途径。


 An important component in terahertz (THz) science and technologies is the detector. In recent years, more attention has been attracted to Nb5N6 microbolometers, since its high sensitivity, fast response time and easy fabrication. The direct current (dc) responsivity is about –760 V/W at a bias current of 0.19 mA. A typical noise voltage as low as 10 nV/√Hz yields a low noise equivalent power (NEP) of 1.3×10-11 W/√Hz at a modulation frequency above 4 kHz. A high-optical responsivity quasioptical THz receiver based on three Nb5N6 microbolometers connected in series is demonstrated in an actual system. This work could offer another way to develop a large scale focal plane array in silicon with simple technique and low costs.


涂学凑,毛庆凯,徐 磊,孙振龙,康 琳*,金飚兵,陈 健,吴培亨. Nb5N6 microbolometer太赫兹检测器[J]. 南京大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 50(3): 269
 Tu Xuecou, Mao Qingkai, Xu Lei, Sun Zhenlong, Kang Lin, Jin Biaobing, Chen Jian, Wu Peiheng
Nb5N6 microbolometer for THz detection[J]. Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Sciences), 2014, 50(3): 269


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 国家973项目( 2014CB339800,2011CBA00100),国家863项目(20l1AA010204),江苏省电磁波先进调控技术重点实验室支助项目

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