马玉钦, 吕晋书, 阮鸥, 徐津, 任斌, 王刚锋, 庞利沙

Effect of matrix ratio on microstructure and shape memory properties of GO⁃CF/EP composites prepared by VIHPS
Yuqin Ma, Lü Jinshu, Ou Ruan, Jin Xu, Bin Ren, Gangfeng Wang, Lisha Pang
图7 配比为1∶3和1∶4时的GO?CF/EP复合材料微观组织形貌图与浸渗示意图
(a) 1∶3; (b) 1∶4;(c)浸渗示意图
Fig.7 Microstructure of GO?CF/EP composites at 1∶3 and 1∶4 ratios