赵怡雪, 周博闻

On the choice of prognostic thermal variable in planetary boundary layer schemes for numerical weather prediction models
Yixue Zhao, Bowen Zhou
图1 左图为对流边界层典型热力结构示意图,实线代表边界层热泡,右图为虚位温Θv和垂直湍流浮力通量w'θv'ˉ的垂直廓线示意图(ziBS 分别代表边界层高度和地表浮力通量,改自赵昭和周博闻[11]
Fig.1 (left) Schematic of the classic convective structures in the convective boundary layer,solid lines outline a boundary layer thermal; (Right) the virtual potential temperature and buoyancy flux profiles (zi and BS represent the boundary layer depth and the surface buoyancy flux, respectively (Figure adapted from Zhao and Zhou[11])