程飞越, 谢磊, 陈小明

Mineralogical characteristics of the Xiaru leucogranite⁃pegmatite in the Himalayan oregen
Feiyue Cheng, Lei Xie, Xiaoming Chen
图1 (a)喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩带地质简图(据文献[1]修改);(b)夏如岩体地质简图(据文献[14]修改);
Fig.1 Simplified geological maps of (a) Himalayan leucogranite belt (modified after ref.[1]) and (b) the Xiaru leucogranite (modified after ref.[14]),(c) the outcrop of the Xiaru leucogranite,
(d) the pegmatite dike cut through the muscovite granite