陈黎, 龚安民, 丁鹏, 伏云发

EEG signal decoding of motor imagination based on euclidean space⁃weighted logistic regression transfer learning
Li Chen, Anmin Gong, Peng Ding, Yunfa Fu
图4 被试的t?SNE可视化:(a)被试1的左右手EA对齐算法对齐示意图,每行是不同的导联上的EEG信号;
Fig.4 The t?SNE visualization of the subjects:(a) the alignment diagram of the left and right?handed EA alignment algorithm of the Test 1 with each row being the EEG signal on a different lead,(b) the t?SNE visuali?zation of nine subjects,(c) the t?SNE visualization of the target subject of Test 1