基于高离子导体界面层的高温固态锂氧气电池 |
叶义鹏, 王胜, 朱挺, 于智乾, 曹蕴清, 宋虎成, 徐骏 |
High temperature solid lithium oxygen battery based on high ion conductor interface layer |
Yipeng Ye, Sheng Wang, Ting Zhu, Zhiqian Yu, Yunqing Cao, Hucheng Song, Jun Xu |
图4 (a)锂氧气电池分别在30,120,150 ℃下全充放示意图;(b)150 ℃,电流密度为0.1 mA?cm–2时的电池充放电曲线; (c)充电容量和库伦效率与循环圈数示意图;(d)150 ℃,电流密度分别为0.1,0.3,0.5,1.0 mA?cm–2时的电池首圈充放电曲线;(e)150 ℃时电池在不同电流密度下定容循环充放电曲线 |
Fig.4 (a) Diagram of full charge and discharge of Li?O2 battery at 30,120 and 150 ℃,respectively,(b) discharge and charge curves at a constant current of 0.1 mA?cm–2 at 150 ℃,(c) the corresponding changes of charge capacity and coulombic efficiency (CE) during cycling,(d) discharge and charge curves of the first cycle at current of 0.1,0.3,0.5,1.0 mA?cm–2 at 150 ℃,respectively,(e) discharge and charge curves at different current densities at 150 ℃ |