喜马拉雅康巴淡色花岗岩的高分异成因及 岩浆⁃热液演化特征
刘志超, 刘小驰, 俞良军, 王建刚

Highly fractionated origin and magmtic⁃hydrothermal evolution of the Kampa leucogranites in the Tethyan Himalaya
Zhichao Liu, Xiaochi Liu, Liangjun Yu, Jian'gang Wang
图8 康巴淡色花岗岩Sr?Nd?Hf同位素组成特征
The published data for the Kamba leucogranite are from ref.[21],the field of the Greater Himalayan Sequence are from ref.[1]
Fig.8 Sr?Nd?Hf isotope systematics of the Kamba leucogranites