喜马拉雅康巴淡色花岗岩的高分异成因及 岩浆⁃热液演化特征
刘志超, 刘小驰, 俞良军, 王建刚

Highly fractionated origin and magmtic⁃hydrothermal evolution of the Kampa leucogranites in the Tethyan Himalaya
Zhichao Liu, Xiaochi Liu, Liangjun Yu, Jian'gang Wang
图5 康巴和喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩标准矿物的Qz?Ab?Or图解(底图根据文献[27],喜马拉雅淡色花岗岩数据来自文献[1])
Fig.5 CIPW normative Qz?Ab?Or plot (after ref.[27]) of the Kamba and Himalayan leucogranites (the data of the Himalayan leucogranites are from ref.[1])