
Thin ventilated layer for broadband and wide⁃angle sound insulation
Yuanpeng Lin,Bin Liang,Jing Yang,Jianchun Cheng
图4 平面波在(a) 0°,(b) 30°和(c) 60°入射时的声压场分布图,点声源入射时在全透射点(d) 2570 Hz与全反射点(e) 2730 Hz的声压场分布图
Fig.4 The simulated acoustic pressure distributions caused by the proposed structure when illuminated by a plane wave with incident angles: (a) 0°,(b) 30° and (c) 60°,(d) spatial distribution of acoustic pressure when the proposed acoustic barrier is impinged by a point source driven by two particular frequencies of 2570 Hz and 2730 Hz where the transmission peak and dip occur,respectively