
Rainfall extreme value analysis on western area of Taihu Lake basin in Yangtze River Delta
Wenqi Wang,Dong Wang,Yuankun Wang
表2 湖西浙西区六个代表站点降水极值GPD和GEV拟合结果
Table 2 GPD and GEV fitting results of extreme rainfall for six stations in western area of Taihu Lake basin
ξ σ u(mm) Q t (%) AIC BIC ξ σ μ AIC BIC
丹阳站 0.40 22.22 84 99.80 373.42 376.85 0.19 27.06 72.30 554.28 559.42
金坛站 -0.14 48.81 89 99.80 384.02 387.40 0.19 30.49 77.04 567.74 572.80
溧阳站 -0.37 33.80 81 99.80 344.33 347.76 -0.02 24.34 73.80 530.39 535.53
宜兴站 -0.02 23.50 89 99.80 335.07 338.45 0.08 22.62 75.43 528.13 533.19
安吉站 0.26 18.08 87 99.80 344.62 348.05 0.04 26.27 76.20 541.92 547.06
湖州站 -0.04 28.12 78 99.80 347.37 350.75 0.20 22.14 69.33 532.80 537.87