
 田然1,周辉1,黄娟2 朱建国3,尹颖1,孙媛媛1,王晓蓉1,郭红岩1. 3 **

南京大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2011, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (6) : 713-717.

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南京大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2011, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (6) : 713-717.


  •  田然1,周辉1,黄娟2 朱建国3,尹颖1,孙媛媛1,王晓蓉1,郭红岩1. 3 **
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 Effect of elevated atmospheric CO2concentration on the soil enzymes and microbial communities under stress of Cd pollution

  •  Tian Ran1,Zhou Hui1,Huang Juan2,Zhu Jian-Guo2,Yin Ying1,Sun Yuan-Yuan1,Wang Xiao-Rong1,Guo Hong-Yan 1,2
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文章历史 +


 摘要:木文利用开放式空气二氧化碳(CO2)浓度增加FACE(frec air concentration enrichment)平台,研究不同大气CO2浓度条件下,Cd污染胁迫对稻麦轮作上壤中上壤酶及上壤微生物群落多样性的


 Using a free air concentration enrichment (FACE) sytem,we studied the effects of Cd pollution stress on soil enzymes and microbial communities in a rice-wheat rotation system under the different concentrations of atmspheric CO2 in China. The results showed that:in clean soil, elevated CO2 concentration induced mainly an Cd polluted soil (0.5 mg/kg),protease activity and urease activities at elevated O3 concentration had significantly decreased than the control.Compared with the ambience condition,the diversity of soil microbial communities was decreased in Cd polluted soil when elevated CO2 concentration.The above results preliminarily indicated that:while atmospheric CO2 concentration were elevated,the stress of Cd pollution on soil enzymes,microbial systems will be exacetbated.however,the mechanism and the ultimate stress level need to be further studied.


 田然1,周辉1,黄娟2 朱建国3,尹颖1,孙媛媛1,王晓蓉1,郭红岩1. 3 **
[J]. 南京大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 47(6): 713-717
 Tian Ran1,Zhou Hui1,Huang Juan2,Zhu Jian-Guo2,Yin Ying1,Sun Yuan-Yuan1,Wang Xiao-Rong1,Guo Hong-Yan 1,2.  Effect of elevated atmospheric CO2concentration on the soil enzymes and microbial communities under stress of Cd pollution
[J]. Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Sciences), 2011, 47(6): 713-717


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